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GOD TV Internet Ministry

God TV Internet Ministry has been raised up in these last days to promote the Gospel to the ends of the earth, going where others cannot go.

Experience Revival as it happens...

Essential viewing is on going and you can watch God TV on the net

Experience Revival as
it happens... 

Over the past weeks we have witnessed the Holy Spirit sweep through South Africa and living rooms across the world through the HEALING AWAKENING LIVE TO THE NATIONS broadcasts with Todd Bentley in Durban. God is truly the Restorer of all things lost and Healer of all things broken. Testimonies of signs and wonders, miracles and many salvations have reached us from as far afield as Lithuania, France, the United Arab Emirates, Czech Republic and India. Be a part of this great move of God as we continue to trust Him for the impossible. "Is anything too hard for the Lord?" (Gen 18:14) 

Please be sure not to miss any of our special broadcasts this month, like the first ever Mighty Men's Conference on American soil with Angus Buchan. Also join Greg Laurie and many Christian leaders on May the 2nd in corporate prayer for your nation, government and rulers at the US National Day of Prayer. 

PLUS the Zechariah Conference with Mike Bickle and the 28th International Prophecy Conference with various Bible prophecy teachers will give you new insight into God's zeal for the nation of Israel and how the future of believers is prophetically tied to Jerusalem. 

We have this and so much more lined-up this month! 

Phone God TV on  1300 368  311 in Australia
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